Saturday, June 24, 2006

Dell, as you may not know it / Dell, jak ho možná neznáte

English translation by Google Translate

My new employer will be Dell from May 15, 2006. Dell is known as a hardware vendor. Dell servers, desktops, laptops, PDAs, etc. are renowned for their stability and quality. Dell is less known as a solution provider. However, Dell has a special division - Dell Professional Services (DPS) - which provides services in areas such as large SANs (storage area network), HPC (high-performance computing), HA (High Available Computing), server and data consolidation, monitoring infrastructure, services in areas such as Microsoft Exchange, SAP, Oracle, Linux, etc. DPS is a global division, and therefore DELL has a local division in each BU (business unit), focused on the above comprehensive services. This group, formerly called "ASG - Advanced System Group", is now called "Solutions". I am currently entering the Solutions division as a Solution / System Consultant.

Update: After joining DELL, I found out that ASG / Solutions is a technical pre-sales department and not a DPS - Dell Professional Services. There was not even a DPS division in the Czech Republic at that time. Technical presales were not so new to me, as I also had to be able to sell our technical solutions in my company, but the concept of multinational presales was definitely different. I have to admit, I quite enjoyed it. However, after about two years, DPS was born in the Czech Republic and I was able to move from presales activities to the design and implementation of real projects for customers.

Original post in Czech language

Můj nový zaměstnavatel bude od 15.5.2006 firma Dell. Dell je znám jako dodavatel hardware. Svojí stabilitou a kvalitou jsou proslaveny Dell servery, desktopy, notebooky, PDA, apod. Již méně je Dell znám jako dodavatel řešení. Dell má však speciální divizi - Dell Professional Services (DPS) - která poskytuje služby v oblastech jako jsou velké sítě SAN (storage area network), HPC (high-performance computing), HA (High Available Computing), serverová a datová konsolidace, monitoring infrastruktury, služby v oblastech jako jsou Microsoft Exchange, SAP, Oracle, Linux apod. DPS je divize s celosvětovou působností, a proto má DELL v každé BU (busines unit) lokální divize, zaměřené na výše uvedené komplexní služby. Tato skupina, která se dříve jmenovala "ASG - Advanced System Group" se nyní jmenuje "Solutions". Právě do divize Solutions nastupuji jako Solution/System Consultant.

Update: Po nástupu do DELLu jsem zjistil, že ASG/Solutions je oddělení technického pre-salesu a nikoliv DPS - Dell Professional Services. Divize DPS v ČR v té době ani nebyla. Technický presales pro mne nebyl zase až tak něco nového, jelikož jsem ve své firmě musel rovněž umět prodat naše technická řešení, ale pojetí presalesu nadnárodní firmy bylo rozhodně jiné. Musím uznat, že mě to docela i bavilo. Nicméně asi po dvou letech se DPS v ČR zrodila a já mohl přejít od presales aktivit k designu a implementacím reálných projektů u zákazníků. 

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