Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Best Practices for Faster vSphere SDK Scripts

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The VMware vSphere API is one of the more powerful vendor SDKs available in the Virtualization Ecosystem.  As adoption of VMware vSphere has grown over the years, so has the size of Virtual Infrastructure environments.  In many larger enterprises, the increasing number of VirtualMachines and HostSystems is driving the architectural requirement to deploy multiple vCenter Servers.
In response, the necessity for automation tooling has grown just as quickly.  Automation to create daily reports, perform bulk operations, and aggregate data from large, distributed Virtual Infrastructure environments is a common requirement for managing the increasing virtual sprawl.
In a Virtual Infrastructure comprised of thousands of objects, even a simple script to list all VirtualMachines and their associated HostSystem and Datastores can result in very slow runtime execution.  Developing automation with the following, simple best practices can take orders of magnitude off your vSphere API tool's runtime.


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