Sunday, February 16, 2014

Performance Data charts for datastore LUNs report the message: No data available

Performance Data charts for datastore LUNs are extremely useful to have clue to understand storage performance trend.

However sometimes you can see message like this
"Performance Data charts for datastore LUNs report the message: No data available"
I didn't know the root cause. Recently colleague of mine told me he has found what is the root cause which is described at VMware KB 2054403.

Workaround is to not use network virtual adapter E1000E. If you have larger environment it's not big fun to search these adapters. My colleague wrote useful PowerCLI one-liner to find VM with E1000E which should be manually changed. Here is the my colleague's script:
Get-VM | Get-NetworkAdapter | Where-object {$_.Type -like "Unknown" -or $_.Type -like "E1000E" } | Select @{N="VM";E={$_.Parent.Name}},Name,Type | export-Csv  c:\VM-Network_Interface.csv -NoTypeInformation 

He asked me to share this information with community so enjoy it.

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