Sunday, February 26, 2017

How to install VMware tools on FreeBSD server

FreeBSD is my favorite operating system. All my FreeBSD servers (except embedded systems on physical microcomputers) are running as virtual machines. FreeBSD is officially supported GuestOS by VMware so nothing stops virtualizing FreeBSD even for productional use.

VMware Tools is a suite of utilities that enhances the performance of the virtual machine's guest operating system and improves the management of the virtual machine. Although the guest operating system can run without VMware Tools, you would lose important functionality and convenience. In other words, VMware tools are not necessary but highly recommended to use on virtual machines running on top of VMware ESXi hosts.

There are multiple options for how to install VMware tools on FreeBSD but I personally use Open VM Tools native FreeBSD package as using Open VM Tools is actually the latest VMware's recommendation for unix like systems which is the case of FreeBSD. The reason why I use Open VM Tools instead of VMtools delivered by VMware on ESXi hosts or VMware download sites is that I can use the default FreeBSD package management system (pkg) for simple deployment. It is fast, convenient, and fully integrated with standard operating system update and upgrade procedures.

As you can see below, the installation on FreeBSD 10.x and above is very straightforward. Essentially, the single command and 5 lines in FreeBSD system config file.

# You have to switch to the administrator account (root)
su -l root

# and unattended install of Open VM Tools by FreeBSD package manager
pkg install -y open-vm-tools-nox11

To run the Open Virtual Machine tools at startup, you must add the following settings to your /etc/rc.conf


Easy, right?
And just for your information, Open VM tools is set of four kernel modules (vmemctl, vmxnet, vmblock, vmhgfs) and one daemon (guestd).

vmemctl is driver for memory ballooning
vmxnet is paravirtualized network driver
vmhgfs is the driver that allows the shared files feature of VMware Workstation and other products that use it. This is not optimal to use on server therefore we do not enable it.
vmblock is block filesystem driver to provide drag-and-drop functionality from the remote console.
VMware Guest Daemon (guestd) is the daemon for controlling communication between the guest and the host including time synchronization.

On Windows and Supported Linux Distributions exists other VMtools modules/drivers but those are not supported on FreeBSD. For further information about all VMtools components look at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Worked great ( esxi 6.7 ), exactly the info I needed.