Sunday, June 25, 2017

Start order of software services in VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.0 U2

vCenter Server Appliance 6.0 U2 services are started in the following order ...

  1. vmafdd (VMware Authentication Framework)
  2. vmware-rhttpproxy (VMware HTTP Reverse Proxy)
  3. vmdird (VMware Directory Service)
  4. vmcad (VMware Certificate Service)
  5. vmware-sts-idmd (VMware Identity Management Service)
  6. vmware-stsd (VMware Security Token Service)
  7. vmware-cm (VMware Component Manager)
  8. vmware-cis-license (VMware License Service)
  9. vmware-psc-client (VMware Platform Services Controller Client)
  10. vmware-sca (VMware Service Control Agent)
  11. applmgmt (VMware Appliance Management Service)
  12. vmware-netdumper (VMware vSphere ESXi Dump Collector)
  13. vmware-syslog (VMware Common Logging Service)
  14. vmware-syslog-health (VMware Syslog Health Service)
  15. vmware-vapi-endpoint (VMware vAPI Endpoint)
  16. vmware-vpostgres (VMware Postgres)
  17. vmware-invsvc (VMware Inventory Service)
  18. vmware-mbcs (VMware Message Bus Configuration Service)
  19. vmware-vpxd (VMware vCenter Server)
  20. vmware-eam (VMware ESX Agent Manager)
  21. vmware-rbd-watchdog (VMware vSphere Auto Deploy Waiter)
  22. vmware-sps (VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service)
  23. vmware-vdcs (VMware Content Library Service)
  24. vmware-vpx-workflow (VMware vCenter Workflow Manager)
  25. vmware-vsan-health (VMware VSAN Health Service)
  26. vmware-vsm (VMware vService Manager)
  27. vsphere-client ()
  28. vmware-perfcharts (VMware Performance Charts)
  29. vmware-vws (VMware System and Hardware Health Manager) 

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