Sunday, December 30, 2018

New Home Lab managed by containerized PowerCLI and RACADM

Christmas holidays are a perfect time to rebuild the home lab. I have got a "Christmas present" from my longtime colleague knowing each other from times when we were both Dell employes. Thank you, Ondrej. He currently works for local IT company (Dell partner) and because they did a hardware refresh for one of their customers, I have got from him 4 decommissioned, but still good enough, Dell servers PowerEdge R620 each having populated a single CPU socket and 96 GB RAM. The perfect setup for a home lab, isn't it? My home lab environment is the topic for another blog post but today I would like to write about containerization of management CLI's (VMware PowerCLI and Dell RACADM) which will eventually help me with automation of home lab power off / on operations.

Before these new Dell servers, I had in my lab 4 Intel NUCs which I'm replacing with Dell PE R620. Someone can argue that Dell servers will consume significantly more electrical energy, however, it is not that bad. Single PE R620 server withdraws around 70-80 Watts. Yes, It is more than Intel NUC but it is roughly just 2 or 3 times more. Anyway, 4 x 80 Watt = 320 Watt which is still around 45 EUR per month so I have decided to keep servers Powered Off and spin up them only on demand. Dell servers have out of band management (iDRAC7) so it is easy to start and stop these servers automatically via RACADM CLI. To gracefully shutdown all Virtual Machines and put ESXi hosts into maintenance mode and shutdown them I will leverage PowerCLI. I've decided to use one Intel NUC with ESXi 6.5 to keep some workloads up and running all times. These workloads are vCenter Server Appliance, Management Server, Backup Server, etc. All other servers can be powered off until I need to do some tests or demos in my home lab.

I would like to have RACADM and PowerCLI also up and running to manage Dell Servers and vSphere via CLI os automation scripts. PowerCLI is available as an official VMware docker image and there are also some unofficial RACADM docker images available in DockerHub, therefore I have decided to deploy PhotonOS as a container host and run RACADM and PowerCLI in Docker containers.

In this blog post, I'm going to document steps and gotchas from this exercise.


Photon OS is available at GitHub as OVA, so deployment is very easy.


The first step after Photon OS deployment is to log in as root with the default password (default password is "changeme" without quotation marks) and change root password.


By default, IP address is assigned via DHCP. I want to use static IP address therefore I have to change network settings. In Photon OS, the process systemd-networkd is responsible for the network configuration.

You can check its status by executing the following command:

systemctl status systemd-networkd

By default, systemd-networkd receives its settings from the configuration file located in /etc/systemd/network/ folder.

Setting a Static IP Address is documented here.

I have created file /etc/systemd/network/ with the following content



File permissions should be 644 so you can enforce it by command
chmod 644

New settings are applied by command
systemctl restart systemd-networkd


It is always better to use regular user instead of root account having full administration rights on the system. Therefore, the next step is to add my personal account

useradd -m -G sudo dpasek

-m creates the home directory, while -G adds the user to the sudo group.

Set password for this user

passwd dpasek

The next step is to edit the sudoers file with visudo. Search for %sudo and remove the ‘#’ from that line. After that, you can log in with that account and run commands like a root with ’sudo ’. Please note, that sudo is not installed by default, therefore you have to install it by your self by a single command

tdnf install sudo

as described later in this post.


If you want to disable password expiration use command chage

chage -M 99999 root
chage -M 99999 dpasek


Photon OS by default blocks ICMP, therefore you cannot ping from outside. Ping is, IMHO, very essential network tool for troubleshooting, therefore it should be always enabled. I do not think it is worth to disable in the sake of better security. Here are commands to enable ping ...

iptables -A INPUT -p ICMP -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p ICMP -j ACCEPT

iptables-save > /etc/systemd/scripts/ip4save


Photon OS package manager is tdnf, therefore OS update is done with command ..

tdnf update

if you need to install additional software you can search for it and install it

I have realized there is no sudo in the minimal installation from OVA, therefore if you need it, you can search for sudo

tdnf search sudo

and install it

tdnf install sudo


I'm going to use Photon OS as a Docker host for two containers (PowerCLI and RACADM) therefore I have to start docker daemon ...

systemctl start docker

To start the docker daemon, on boot, use the command:

systemctl enable docker


To run docker command without sudo I have to add linux user (me) to group docker.

usermod -a -G docker dpasek


I already wrote the blog post how to spin up of PowerCLIcore container here. So let's quickly pull PowerCLIcore image and instantiate PowerCLI container.

docker pull vmware/powerclicore

Now, I can remotely log in (SSH) as a regular user (dpasek) and run any of my PowerCLI commands to manage my home lab environment.

docker run --rm -it vmware/powerclicore

Option --rm stands for "Automatically remove the container when it exits".

To work with PowerCLI following commands are necessary to initialize PowerCLI configuration.

Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $true
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction:ignore

The configuration persists within each container session, however, it disappears when the container is removed, therefore it is better to instantiate container without -rm option, configure PowerCLI configuration, keep the container in the system and start container next time to perform any other PowerCLI operation.

docker run -it -v "/home/dpasek/scripts/homelab:/tmp/scripts" --name homelab-powercli --entrypoint='/usr/bin/pwsh' vmware/powerclicore

Option --name is useful to set the name of the instantiated container because the name can be used to restart container and continue with PowerCLI.

Inside the container, we can initialize PowerCLI configuration and use all other PowerCLI commands, scripts and eventually exit from the container back to the host and return back by command

docker start homelab-powercli -i

In such approach, the PowerCLI configuration persists.


Another image I will need in my homelab is Dell RACADM to manage Dell iDRACs. Let's install and instantiate the most downloadable RACADM image.

docker pull justinclayton/racadm

and it can be used interactively and get system information from iDRAC with hostname esx21-oob

docker run --rm justinclayton/racadm -r esx21-oob -u root -p calvin getsysinfo


I would like to store all my home lab scripts in GitHub repository, synchronize it with my container host and leverage it to manage my home lab.

# install Git
sudo tdnf install git

# configure Git
git config --global "myusrname"
git config --global ""

git clone

# save Git credentials
git config credential.helper store


In case, I do not want to use PowerCLI interactively and run some predefined PowerCLI scripts then local script directory has to be mapped to the container as shown in the example below

docker run -it --rm -v /home/dpasek/scripts/homelab:/tmp/scripts --entrypoint='/usr/bin/pwsh' vmware/powerclicore /tmp/scripts/get-vms.ps1

The option -rm is used to remove the container from the system after the PowerCLI script is executed.

The option -v is used to do the mapping between container host directory /home/dpasek/scripts/homelab and container directory /tmp/scripts

I was not able to run the PowerCLI script directly with docker command without the option --entrypoint

The whole toolset is up and running so the rest of exercise is to develop RACADM and PowerCLI scripts to effectively managed my home lab. The idea is to shut down all VMs and ESXi hosts when the lab is not needed. When I will need the lab, I will simply power on some vSphere Cluster and VMs within these clusters having vSphere tag "StartUp".

I'm planning to store all these scripts in GitHub repository from two reasons
  1. GitHup repository will be used as a backup solution 
  2. You can track the progress of my home lab automation project
Hope I will find some spare time to finish my idea and automate this process which I have to do manually at the moment.

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